Friday 7 November 2014

Website Home page Format Research

As you can see from the image bellow that POP website homepages are quite immature in a sense. Which is shown by the font used throughout the homepage is a clear indication that the band has a target market of teenage girls. This is also shown by the house colours on the homepage. As you can see the main colours are black white and purple. as black and white are quite plain colours this emphasises the purple elements within the website homepage which again indicates that the website has been specifically designed for teenage girls because as a teenage boy I don't find the website aesthetically pleasing as much as I do if the page had more blue or red on it.


What I have learnt from this website home page is that to cater for my target market I need make the website homepage have a sense of immaturity in order to cater for my target audience of teenagers of both genders but instead of using purple to cater just for teenage girls i need to find a colour which caters for both genders of teenager. But as the band is a POP band the website has a very specific layout to it, everything is level with everything else and has a very efficient feel to it as everything looks like it is where it should be. This means as my artist 'Bruno Mars' is a pop artist the website homepage I create.

The image above is the website homepage of Bruno Mars and as you can see it is very structured with the different information about the recent activities of Bruno Mars going down the middle and what sort of information you can find out o  the website on the left hand side in its own bar. This website is very simplistic but very well structured and it is clear to see the creator of the website wanted to create simple yet structured website in order for the target audience of Bruno Mars have no issue when using the website and are able to navigate easily. This means that if I choose to create a website homepage I need it to be simplistic yet structured, just like the two website home pages I have looked at.

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