Wednesday 26 November 2014

Digipak, Website Homepage or Magazine Advertisment

I have chosen to create a Digipak and a Magazine Advertisement for the artist. I have chosen to create these two media products as I feel I have the skills in order to create both a high quality Digipak and a Magazine Advertisement. From my format research it was clear to me that these are the two I as I also prefer the look of a magazine advertisement and a Digipak over a Website Homepage as I fell that Digipaks can be quite boring an unnecessary.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Digipak Format Research

Digipaks typically consist of a gate fold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside.
Since Digipaks were among the first alternatives to jewel cases to be used by major record companies, and because there is no other common name for Digipak-style packaging made by other companies, the term Digipak or Digi-Pak is often used generically.


As you can see from the images above a Digipak needs to be well designed and have information about the song or album so therefore if i choose to create a Digipak for my chosen song i will have to do some research into the song.
There are many different designs of Digipak. some have 3 pages as you can see from the image above but other Digipaks could have between 2 and 5 pages. This means i have to consider what genre of music has normally a certain amount of pages in order to cater for my target market.

What I have learnt from these images is that I can either have information about the album or specific song or I can have images that I feel relate to the album or specific song within the album. So looking at these images has shown me that i can have a variety of features on my Digipak if i choose to create one.

Friday 7 November 2014

Website Home page Format Research

As you can see from the image bellow that POP website homepages are quite immature in a sense. Which is shown by the font used throughout the homepage is a clear indication that the band has a target market of teenage girls. This is also shown by the house colours on the homepage. As you can see the main colours are black white and purple. as black and white are quite plain colours this emphasises the purple elements within the website homepage which again indicates that the website has been specifically designed for teenage girls because as a teenage boy I don't find the website aesthetically pleasing as much as I do if the page had more blue or red on it.


What I have learnt from this website home page is that to cater for my target market I need make the website homepage have a sense of immaturity in order to cater for my target audience of teenagers of both genders but instead of using purple to cater just for teenage girls i need to find a colour which caters for both genders of teenager. But as the band is a POP band the website has a very specific layout to it, everything is level with everything else and has a very efficient feel to it as everything looks like it is where it should be. This means as my artist 'Bruno Mars' is a pop artist the website homepage I create.

The image above is the website homepage of Bruno Mars and as you can see it is very structured with the different information about the recent activities of Bruno Mars going down the middle and what sort of information you can find out o  the website on the left hand side in its own bar. This website is very simplistic but very well structured and it is clear to see the creator of the website wanted to create simple yet structured website in order for the target audience of Bruno Mars have no issue when using the website and are able to navigate easily. This means that if I choose to create a website homepage I need it to be simplistic yet structured, just like the two website home pages I have looked at.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Magazine Advertisements Format Research

These days we see all kind of products being advertised in the mass media. From pen refill to diamond jewellery, everything seems to be advertised by the companies. Companies advertise their products for a number of reasons. The basic idea is to introduce and promote the product for sale. When a company launches a new product it advertises the product in order to create awareness and consumer interest. As magazines are one of the most viewed products in the media industry, this means that it is vital for companies or different institutions to advertise their products in relevant magazine. For example, a digipak for a a new song or album would be advertised in a music magazine that is written around that specific genre.
Kiss FM Ipod Advertisemet

As you can see from the advert above. Kiss FM is being advertised in a music magazine. this is being advertised in a music magazine as Kiss FM is one of the UK's leading radio stations therefore a music magazine is good place for KISS FM to be advertised as it is being targeted at a relevant and specific audience.

As you can see from the image above that Jay-Z's album 'The Blueprint 3' is being advertised. What makes this good advertisement is that all important information is shown clear and differs from the colour in the background. this shows me that when i produce my Magazine advertisement that i need to ensure that all important information needs to be read easily. 

Also, everything looks sharp and looks like it has a place in the advertisement in the magazine. It is very structured. As my genre is POP this means that my advertisements for a magazine need to be structured in order to please my target audience.

Monday 20 October 2014

Bruno Mars Moodboard

This moodboard is a moodboard of Bruno Mars which shows me that if I choose for the actor to sing towards the camera is shows that i can have an actor from any ethnic background as Bruno Mars is from Hawaii which means he doesn't look white British nor African American. this means that i am able to use anyone for my video if I decide to have the actor looking at the camera and miming, I don't necessarily need to take into consideration the ethnic background of the character.

Diary 20th-24th

This week I will be bringing all my feedback i have received and put them on my blog. i have gathered feedback in numerous ways, one of which you have already seen with the focus group i had and filmed. But I have also gained feedback through social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook which have both given me a greater insight as to how I can make my music videos as realistic, as professional and as relatable as possible. I will also be creating my story board which will give an insight as to how my music video will be layed out and will sure what the mise-en-scene will look like throughout the music video.

Friday 17 October 2014

Diary 13th-17th October

During this week I managed to gain knowledge of what people expect to see in POP music video. I will then screen shot responses from members of the public and will post the screenshots on my blog at a later date in order to fit in with the work as i will be looking at what type of artists are within the POP genre, what clothes they wear and their appearance and how they influence the fashion of present day society.