Monday 20 October 2014

Bruno Mars Moodboard

This moodboard is a moodboard of Bruno Mars which shows me that if I choose for the actor to sing towards the camera is shows that i can have an actor from any ethnic background as Bruno Mars is from Hawaii which means he doesn't look white British nor African American. this means that i am able to use anyone for my video if I decide to have the actor looking at the camera and miming, I don't necessarily need to take into consideration the ethnic background of the character.

Diary 20th-24th

This week I will be bringing all my feedback i have received and put them on my blog. i have gathered feedback in numerous ways, one of which you have already seen with the focus group i had and filmed. But I have also gained feedback through social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook which have both given me a greater insight as to how I can make my music videos as realistic, as professional and as relatable as possible. I will also be creating my story board which will give an insight as to how my music video will be layed out and will sure what the mise-en-scene will look like throughout the music video.

Friday 17 October 2014

Diary 13th-17th October

During this week I managed to gain knowledge of what people expect to see in POP music video. I will then screen shot responses from members of the public and will post the screenshots on my blog at a later date in order to fit in with the work as i will be looking at what type of artists are within the POP genre, what clothes they wear and their appearance and how they influence the fashion of present day society.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Character Development

Character Development
James (Main Character)
During the song, James feels sad that he has lost the girl he loves. This means that the actor playing the part as James needs to be able to act in the way they would feel if they had lost the girl they love. Whether it was to another guy or maybe they just grew apart. Either way James feels sad and depressed and is in a reflective mood throughout the video. This means that the mise-en-scene throughout the music video needs to be dark but have a reflective feel to it. When the video cuts to the times he spent with his girlfriend we learn about what type person James is. He is a kind, nurturing person willing to help anyone but doesn’t understand why he was left as he did nothing wrong.

Emily (Supporting role)
As Emily is the love of James and his only regret is letting her go. The actress I need to use needs to be pretty and petit in order for the audience to develop a deep relationship with cheer and make them feel that she is the perfect girl. As she is the love of James, when the camera cuts to her the effects of the video will emphasise all the colours within the shot in order to show her innocence and how he is happy when he thinks about the time himself and Emily were spending together.

Emily will be wearing a white top and jeans. I have chosen to dress her oin these clothes as this is today's fashion and as the video is POP. My target audience will be able to relate to her as a lot of teenage girls dress this way at the present time. And boys find girls who dress like this attractive in a general sense. So therefore both genders of teenager will be able to relate to the music video.

Tuesday 7 October 2014



Within this document I will be discussing my shortlist of the different features within my music video. Features such as Mise-en-scene, actors and costumes

Dark eerie feel to the video which doesn't really go along with my genre and its target audience. as POP songs are very much upbeat this won't appeal to the target audience mainly being teenage girls. for this reason I have elected not to choose this Type of Mise-en-scene as music videos are marketing tools for the song. This will mean that the song won't sell to the specific target audience of teenage girls.

Bright coloured scenery will be used a little bit in my music video when the actor reflects on the time he spent with the girl he loves which shows happiness and warmth when he thinks of her. but when the video cuts back to reality it goes back to being darker and sad which then reflects how he is feeling in reality.

For my music video I will need 2 actors. One male and one female. The male actor with have a much larger role within my music video because originally I decided to have more than one narrative being shown throughout the music video but then decided that I will have just one narrative as this means that the audience will then be able to develop a much deeper relationship with the characters unlike the relationship with the characters if I have more than one narrative this means that the audience won’t feel as involved In the song or feel like they know the characteristics and emotions of the each character.


As my target audience of my music video is the general teenage girl population this means that I will have to use clothes that a fashionable in the present day. Otherwise the target audience won’t be able to relate to the music video which in turn will make them less interested in the music video. Therefore not allowing the song to reach its full potential when it is either available to be downloaded online from apps such as iTunes or in shops such as HMV